
Former Servers Are Revealing The Celebrities Who Were Way, Way, Way Nicer Than They Thought, And Now I’m Questioning Everything


“My partner has met a few famous people in the course of his job and he says so far Dan Ackroyd was his favourite.”

“It was the red-carpet premiere of one of the newer ‘Ghostbusters’ movies in a midtown Manhattan theatre, so it was kind of a big deal. Before the film started Ackroyd was apparently just wandering around the movie theatre randomly talking to people, and having fun doing it.

Partner says the two of them just hung out and talked for 5-10 minutes about movies, television, New York, and all kinds of random stuff. He says Ackroyd was super funny and very down-to-earth.

Apparently Ackroyd’s security guards did NOT realize that Ackroyd was wandering around the theatre talking to people totally unescorted, because in the middle of partner and him talking, they ran up shouting, ‘Mr. Ackroyd! We need you to come with us now!” Partner said Ackroyd gave him a ‘what can you do?’ kind of smile and shrug and waved goodbye. A real class act.”


What do you think?

Written by Abby Zinman

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